Johanna R. Kirk – Kirk Law Office, LLC – Attorney for Clark and Taylor Counties and Beyond.

After living in Superior for nearly three decades, I have returned to my hometown area and relocated my office to Thorp, WI.  I am so excited to return to my home in Lublin (western Taylor County) and to have this opportunity to provide legal services here.  I graduated from Gilman High School in 1996, UW-Superior in 2001, Hamline University School of Law in 2006.

I do not pretend that Kirk Law Office is a big-law operation.  It is a one-woman show. I practiced law in Superior, Wisconsin from 2006-2024. I am experienced in many areas of law and can help you solve your legal problem at a price you can afford. I have briefed cases to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals and Wisconsin Supreme Court on issues facing estates.  I participated in personal injury jury trials for insurance companies and employers.   I assist businesses owners developing employee handbooks, purchase agreements, and long-term planning for owners who want to eventually sell or transfer their business. I served non-profit organizations helping navigate the paperwork and requirements for establishing foundations, governance, and compliance.  Today, my practice is a little slower paced.  My work focuses mostly on elder and estate planning, probates, guardianships, and some basic real estate work. 

I am also a mom of two amazing young men.  When I first opened my office in 2013 they were excited to have their photos on my website.  Now, they’ve become a little more shy about it. 

I look forward to being involved in the communities.  In my prior life in Superior, I was active with Rotary, United Way, UW-Superior Foundation, youth sports organizations, and more.  I have been an active volunteer with the Wisconsin State Bar, serving on committees, task forces, boards, planning and presenting at meetings and conferences.  One of my proudest parts of working with the State Bar has been developing and implementing the Greater Wisconsin Initiative which focuses on the shortage of attorneys in rural areas of the State.